Pizza Review
If you added a 5 to the name of this joint, it would be like the combination an idiot would have on his luggage (Spaceballs joke). This is a deceptively good football pizza, straight fastball right down the middle. A little doughy but not too thick, terrific sauce to cheese ratio. The sauce is surprisingly good, pleasantly sweet with a hint of basil & oregano, could use a little more zest & tang, but very solid overall. The cheese is somewhat generic but a wonderfully creamy combo of shredded mozzarella, melted really well. The undercarriage is pretty firm, zero flop, hard bottom but still mostly soft overall. The crust is fairly crispy with decent crunch but lacks any flavor; this is where the pie hits the skids. But all around this is a quality, traditional pie, a real pizza’s pizza, fantastic Friday night, go-to, fastball across the heart of the plate pizza.

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