Pizza Review
This is real “pizza rat” territory…cheap “street slices” swallowed up by the local children after school gets out. Big, thinnish, super soft & doughy, not terribly floppy but no real crisp except for a slightly firm undercarriage. While the dough is mostly soft and the crust has no crunch whatsoever, it still has a little distinguishable NYC flavor that comes from the water used to make the pies. The sauce is uneventfully generic, a touch of tang, somewhat sweet and a tad acidic; it definitely stings the throat a bit. The cheese is also a basic blend, a little creamier than standard pizza cheese but nothing notable. Overall, this is not great pizza by any means; but it’s not total trash either. This is a very serviceable slice if you’re in the area and starving or drunk. Not a destination spot in the least; there’s plenty of better pizzerias on Staten Island. Just leave these pies to the local pizza rats. 🍕 🐀