Pizza Review
crust is good sauce is ok not enough cheese

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Pizza Review
It’s been like 6 years since I was last here and I’ve been meaning to do a proper review of their thinny thin square. Angeloni’s is the og when it comes to special thin crust pies way before the craze started and the only way to eat it is in the restaurant as last times take out had sat to long. The square gives you more pizza and more crisp with charred edges and a fantastic crisp to the underside with no flop on all corner and edge slices. It’s paper thin but still manages to have a slight airyness if you look closely. As amazing and flavorful as the crust is, the sauce is the highlight of this pizza with the perfect zing aided I’m sure by some hard cheese and melds perfectly to the low moisture cheese on the well done cook, check out the pic to see that blending goin on, absolutely sic bites!!! There’s some slight herbation going on on too that gives a nice little bite but doesn’t overpower you. As this was my first time eating in I got there around 4pm on Christmas Eve and was the perfect timing as I almost had the restaurant to myself before it was jam packed when I left, the staff and service are welcoming and friendly and the owner is one of the most known guys in the state as they are one of NJ’s elite spots. I think after getting to experience this one again it takes my top honors for thin crust pies, a major accomplishment that the previous held for almost 5 years. Since the square pie was released here many including the staff say this is the pie to go with, an absolute must and the perfect way to celebrate the holiday, hell yea. As always be sure to check out my other socials, Foodbro on Fb and the real Kevin price on Ig.