Pizza Review
8.3??🤔🥴 no... after seeing this as an 8.3, I had really high expectations and had to take the trip with my partner in crime... I honestly now feel I scored way too high. Things I like, the crust... it has a nice crisp and char from the pizza oven. The place to buy when you step in is pretty cool and authentic and there's a cool little back yard escape. Things I don't like, where is the cheese? Where is the basil? And WHY oh why does this sauce taste like it is canned? I have had this sauce in a Spaghetti marinara somewhere in Chicago and can't put my finger on it. Unfortunately, my expectations were sadly destroyed 😞 I scored this as a 6.7 and I really should be scoring this as a 4.8... really wanted to like it, especially since this is the first time I get to explore Atlanta, but this pizza did not meet my expectations 😕 and I don't do take backs... I said 6.7 and set it out into the world, and now must live by that decision. Not a pizza spot I will be coming back for.