Pizza Review
If you live in the west side of Fort Lauderdale, you already know the score: it’s pretty much a pizza wasteland. Franchise upon franchise of Papa John’s and Pizza Hut litter the neighborhoods out here, forcing the residents to wallow in the sun-par crapulence of these less than stellar pizza chains. Thankfully, there are a handful of independent pizzerias that can serve up a more than decent pie that puts the big chains firmly in their place. Of these establishments, Big Bang is so far the best of the bunch. It’s the closest I’ve come to a true NY slice. Good cheese, tangy sauce, crisp crust (could be a little bit more well done for my taste), and some damn big slices. It also had the perfect amount of saltiness in the bite, which for me is a vital factor of a good slice. We think we’ve found our go-to pizza joint. Nice work, Big Bang. You’re doing God’s work and I’m more than happy to help my neighbors see the error of their sacrilegious, Papa John’s eating ways.