We’ve got Biggies Pizza in 5 points, super hipster part of town, historic part of town, used to be goth, turned to punk, turned to hipster, and now finally we’ve got a little gentrification going on so it’s definitely on the up and up. The single slices they offer come from a 24 inch pie, the whole pie option only an 18 incher...let down, according to the cashier they taste the same, fine, I’ll take it. 20 minutes, ready to go. Opens at 4, open earlier, why shame a lunch pizza eater like that, but fine, I’ll take it. Get the pie, hot pie, no grease pools, big peps, slight heat, tasty sauce, slight tang, great crunch, minimal flop. The crust, the bare crust, on the outer rim of the pie, with no sauce no cheese, a little dusty, too much flour. Does that ruin the experience? No, just adjust bite placement, use a little strategy, you’ll be fine. Good pie, for this fucking town it’s upper echelon, top 3 pizza joints in town. 7.8 every day, would’ve been a 7.9 but the fucking box wouldn’t fit through the door, needed a box tilt. 7.8, very strong 7.8. Good pie, top 3 in town.