Pizza Review
Man, my first bite into this, my pizza was lukewarm at best. I had high hopes, I really did. The pictures I saw online looked good. And it was one of those nights that I didn’t have the energy to cook for me and 2 kids. And one bite into this, it wasn’t great. I felt my happiness for having pizza for the first time in a while crash around me. However the mozzarella sticks I had were clutch. They were perfect. Look I don’t blame these dudes. It could have been a number of variables; The driver might’ve had other stops, the chef might not been at the top of his game, me cutting up slices of pizza and mozzarella sticks for two kids might’ve made the pizza or a little bit less warm. You could’ve been anything. For whatever reason, good pizza was just not in the cards for me tonight. And nothing bums you out faster than a bad piece of pizza.

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