Pizza Review
I was in the area with the intentions of trying Grand Apizza Shoreline but they were closed; so in an attempt to salvage the trip, I audibled to Clinton Pizza. What I stumbled upon was less than desirable Connecticut Greek pizza. The pie was cut into New Haven style thin slices instead of squares like typical Greek pies. The dough was surprisingly super flimsy and floppy, no crisp whatsoever, spongelike in texture, oily and limp. The crust is crunchy but boringly bland and dry. This is also a mega cheesy pie, thick and heavy, definitely the bulk of the weight of the pizza. The sauce is practically a rumor, scant, watery and virtually invisible. The little flavor the sauce does provide is incredibly underwhelming, mostly salty with a slight hint of garlic. The greasy butter fat from the cheese provides the only real lubricant to choke down a slice. This is a standardly subpar Greek pizza; never met one I liked and probably never will. Doughy, cheesy, greasy and sauceless…a complete waste of time. Certainly not the worst pizza I’ve ever had but not worthwhile in the least.