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Pizza review time here on the service road of highway 19 in Clearwater, with a bonus Lasagna review! ( I'm one away from my 50th review on the one bite app)
1. This is a family owned place but looks like a chain restaurant. They claim they won a best of Tampa bay award in the past.
2. This is buffet style with all you can eat salad, wings, lasagna, dessert ( baklava), etc. My immediate thought is, it got Cici's pizza buffet beat by a couple points!
3. Pizza had real good thick and fresh mozzarella. The overall taste of the pizza was excellent. The dough was crisp, not like a traditional NY slice, but rather good.
4. Lasagna, although passable, was not like the homemade stuff I grew up with. Maybe it needed better ricotta or something. Rating on Lasgna 6.4
5 My rating (on pizza) 7.6
P.S. Any rating over 7 is worth going to try!!!