Pizza Review
Alright Frankie we are at Grabb-a-Pizza (review time jan 17 2:30pm).. we came out here it’s Canada -it’s cold -> its January -> we are in Brampton Ont-> we wrapping up what is basically the last of our West End of Toronto pizza reviews—> and funny enough Frankie —> this place was on the list of the top 10 pizza places in Brampton if you look it up online —> So naturally we had to come here—> one bite everyone knows the rules—> and actually Frankie We did wanted to mention that Grabb-A-Pizza takes great pride and care in their pizza —> to provide what they believe is amazing food to eat -> besides being good for your health -> it should also taste great-> That is their Motto Frankie and that is their attempt at balancing a nutritional diet with a great taste. They boast to have the most modern and sophisticated oven (some would call it a regular oven Frankie - I wouldn’t - some would - I wouldn’t)... Grabb-a-Pizza is a neighbourhood staple -> they serve a good baked pie using fresh dough hand-stretched pizza with an emphasis on recreating the authentic Real Pizza experience that is what a Grabb-A- Pizza is in a nut shell and the bases of their current success with emphasis on -> its customer service, fresh food,reasonable rates and experienced staff —> their concept is unique as it binds a family business independently owned and operated all together —> . If you like pizza Frankie? You will agree —> there is no bad pizza —> if We lived around here ? We’d eat here all the time -> and We’d treat our friends because the price is right-> it’s Sunday -> Sunday football -> football pie -> Grabb-A-Pizza—> see what we did there Frankie ? —> we tried to do an extra little jingling for this place -> as it’s Covid and we don’t want to put places down —> we want to lift them up -> only a few more places left to try in the west of Toronto Frankie —> but they all open after 4 or 5 PM -> they are what el’Presidente would consider —> fancy pizza —-> but we will try them —> because they are listed as being amongst the best pizza places in the West End of Toronto —> just like this place was listed as being one of the best places in Brampton —> which is in the west end of Toronto—> that’s a little geographical lesson on Toronto —> and today we are at grabb a pizza in Brampton-> One bite everyone knows the rules—> stiff cheese —> barely any flop -> crust was the same as the rest of the pie —> doughy —> Sauce was bland —> barely any taste —> undercarriage has zero char—> cheese was broiled on top last minute —> but it didn’t cut it (some would call it cardboard and cheese Frankie) —> doesn’t matter we try them all-> we bite it and score it and don’t discriminate or get swayed or manipulated—> we give honest scores 1 to 10 / one bite / everyone knows the rules / bite it / score it -> 1 thru 10 -> Grabb-a-pizza 3.2–> (professional score) and it might be a Little bit of a generous score but —> We do like the hard-working lady that was in there—> plus It’s a long time neighbourhood staple that offers free delivery all day long on any order over $11.99 —> like We said —> if we lived in the neighbourhood ? we would be haunting this place all the time——> but that other reviewer on here giving this place a 7.8? That has to be someone affiliated to them ? Or in cahoots with them ? Or a super long time customer that just doesn’t know any better?.... because there is no way that this place is a 7.8 sorry 😐———-> 3.2 that’s a review