Pizza Review
Heard a lot of good things about this pizza going into the review, and at an 8.1 on the app, I expected this to be a serious contender among the Jersey bar pie circuit. It has most of the major characteristics of a solid bar pie: thin, smallish, slightly above personal size with flaky cracker-like dough and a pretty decent crisp, capped by a terrifically burnt edged crust with great crunch. The one huge drawback is the landslide of grease, pooling in the center of the pie and gushing with every bite, affecting the overall taste of the cheese & sauce. Aside from a little zip & zest, the sauce could use a pinch more flavor, particularly garlic to cut through the taste of the oil. The cheese isn’t as tight as you would find on most bar pies; it’s more of a stringy, loose flow due to the excess lubrication. Overall, it’s a very solid bar pie but not among the elite in NJ.