Pizza Review
The upside down slice.

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Pizza Review
Established in 1996, they’ve been serving Jersey Shore strip mall football pizza for nearly 30 years. Thickish with rather soft dough, their pies are incredibly heavy with very weighty components, particularly the cheese. Despite decent char on the undercarriage, crisp & crunch are both absent, yielding a lot of flop with a taste that’s a notch above bland to go along with subpar texture. A thick & heavy shredded mozzarella blend, the cheese blankets the entire surface, engulfing & suffocating the other ingredients. This is an “extra cheese” amount, adding significant weight to each slice. Despite the mostly melty consistency, the volume is just too high & the flavor is overshadowed by the saltiness from the excess oil. The texture of the mozz is fine, just way too much of it throwing off the balance with the dough & sauce. Because of the severe unbalance with the cheese, the sauce is completely lost. Can’t really detect any sweetness, just a slightly salty taste from the grease flow penetration. The sauce isn’t prevalent enough to produce any real flavor; it needs to be heartier & doubled to match the amount of mozzarella. Some bogus inflated scores in the 9s on the OneBite App are artificially bolstering the overall rating. However, I can assure you this is substandard Jersey Shore strip mall football pizza, nowhere near an 8, let alone a 9. Crisp up the dough, dial back the cheese & grease, and add more sauce & seasoning to separate from other dime-a-dozen generically dull pizza.
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