Pizza Review
Eye test- seems pretty decent Below is for the plain, followed by Brooklyn square bonus Sauce- starting here because most pizza shops skimp. Sauce clear as day jumps out as a contributor. Has a bit of spices, no sweetness. Slightly understated but absolutely solid. Cheese- again solid. Has a bit of punch, definitely not neutral. Perfect chew. Dough- decent crunch and actually has solid taste. It’s rare that dough has a meaningful taste component. This does Ratio- just a tad too cheesy Execution- solid Score for regular 7.4 Bonus Brooklyn: Hello! Come to papa! Really good. Dough- perfect. The taste and crunch nail it. Wonderful Sauce- seems sweeter. No complaints. Excellent. Maybe just a tad too sweet for most folks. I’m biased so it’s right up my alley Cheese- more understated. More than one type. Utterly perfect. Ratio- perfection Execution- killer Brooklyn score- 8.1 Not averaging the two for the app score Neil Young said, “I played with CSN and happily took a back seat. We all new the whole was better than the parts.” This joint marries good individual components for a whole that is pretty good. Brooklyn is most certainly travel worthy. Plain likely far exceeds any other neighborhood offerings.