Pizza Review
Ohohoh we gotta big one here now do we? The Architect and The Bull getting a hot New York pie from NY Pizza Sumprema. This was Anthony Bourdain’s favorite pizza in the world. I can see why because it’s a bit of a bougie slice. A lot going on. It’s a hearty slice, a equal amount of sauce and cheese. And they put a bunch on of both. This is atypical Manhattan pizza. It taste like Manhattan. If this pizza was a person it would make 300 K a year and they would vote for the Dems. Ya know what I mean? Also the place is located in the Mecca of the City. So it’s not a mom and pop store. But the slice has a mom and pop feel to it, you can tell that this was a family recipe. Is it one of the greats? I think it could be but it’s not quite there. But if you brought this over your boys house on a Sunday to watch the games, he would let his kid sister blow ya at the end of the night.

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