Thinnish wood-fired pizza, almost like a large bar pie with a thicker crust. The dough is very tasty, solid undercarriage, not particularly crispy but not too soft either. Crust has a decent amount of crisp and great char. The cheese is super tight, like bar pie cheese, nice sharp flavor, a terrific blend that melds well with the dough. Despite being a little light on the sauce, it’s still a very flavorful pie. There’s just enough garlic and spice in the sauce to avoid being too dry and tasteless. The dough & cheese definitely carry the flavor, accented by the scant sauce. Normally I prefer at least twice as much sauce but this has a fantastic “pizza flavor” that doesn’t make you pine for an extra ladle. While this pizza is very solid as is, maybe a tad more crisping and a little more sauce wouldn’t hurt to bolster the score. But overall, I was very pleasantly surprised, certainly worth a moderate drive, definitely doesn’t disappoint.