The dough is chewy (not my style) and the cheese is good. Sauce is ok. Undercarriage is not my style (prefer the brick oven or wood oven charred).
Service was friendly and the atmosphere is psychedelic.
Old school local charm (not necessarily the psychedelic part, but the small town feel). Anyway, it’s nice and friendly.
I’ll give another review sometime down the line but for now….
My Scoring System:
* Always a large cheese pizza
* Always made to order
* Always eaten at the establishment
* Always eaten while fresh and hot
> 9.0 = Travel out of state or 4+ hours for the pizza. This is World-Class Pizza!
> 8.0 = Travel 1 to 3 hours for the pizza. This is Local Legend Pizza
> 7.0 = Local pizza that is a go-to. Very good pizza.
> 6.0 = If you’re already there then you go for it. It’s not a bad pie but you’re not going out of your way for it.
< 5.9 = Worsening levels of MEH. Gas station heat lamp to school lunch lady pizza. You’ll feel the dead weight in you. Hard pass (pun intended).
Atmosphere and service adds/drops up to .5 points:
Add 0.0 for polite service
Add 0.1 for good service
Add 0.2 for great service
Add 0.3 for phenomenal service
Add 0.4 for legendary service
Add 0.5 for epic service that can only be done here
Subtract 0.1 to 0.5 for meh, distracted, bad, awful, and find another job, respectively.