Pizza Review
Pellicci’s is one of the top Italian restaurants in Stamford, CT but not really known for their pizza. While no one disputes how incredible their Italian food is, there’s lots of unfavorable reviews of their pizza, including a ridiculous 0.1 rating by some clown on this app. I can assure you, this isn’t even close to the worst pizza on the planet. The first thing I noticed was the bread crumbs on the undercarriage baked in to prevent moisture build up, a true sign that they know what they’re doing. The most unique ingredient of this pie is the sauce, which tastes like Sunday gravy (🇮🇹) and feels like I’m eating raviolis or a tray of manicotti. The sauce is sweet, bold, zesty and loaded with old school flavor. The cheese is fairly tight, a little stringy and SOAKED in grease, the only real downfall of this pie. But it all rests atop thin, crispy, delicious dough with a terrifically tasty & crispy crust. While this pizza doesn’t match the main entrees in excellence, it’s still way better than expectations and deserves a better overall rating by the One Bite community. If they find a way to get that oil under control, there’s no reason this pizza couldn’t slide up to the 8s. The unique sauce alone makes this pie worth trying.

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