Pizza Review
It may be deemed “despicable” or “unholy” to review a pizza place twice, although no such claim has been uttered during my extensive viewing of One Bite reviews, I elected to venture back to Pie-Zans with both assured hope following a promising first visit and a tinge of trepidation that documentation of my second experience might be defying some unwritten one bite pizza law. While the scores are similar (7.4 the first visit, 7.3 the second visit) the circumstances that buoyed these conclusions were not consistent. The crust was excellent on both occasions, however, the second pie was undercooked exacerbated further was that the pizza arrived warm not hot - cheese congealed etc. The latter part of this critique could be attributed to delivery issues and therefore was not calculated into the final score. While this pie lacked the crisp of the first, it was not floppy and was more generously sauced, which I appreciated. The general ratio of crust to sauce to cheese on the second pie was excellent yet the aforementioned undercooking of their crust (the strongest facet of Pie-sans’ pizza) was enough to merit a lower score than the first pie. Overall, good pizza for the area with the potential for higher marks in the future if the stars align. I may very well try it again and return here to recount my findings but perhaps under a different name, in fear that I may be persecuted for my continued pizza review sacrilege.

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