Flat 7 for Pizza Barn. Rookie score. If you gave me this pizza in New Jersey, it’d be lucky to make it into the 6’s, but you have to adjust your scale for places like this in North Central Pennsylvania. Its a food desert out here. The pizza wasnt bad though, and it might actually be the best pizza within like 20-30 miles of Elkland. Pizza N’ Stuff in Westfield is now run by a second set of new owners since i reviewed that spot and it definitely doesnt deserve the score they got from me years ago. I’ll update that the next time im forced to eat there.
As for Pizza Barn, i asked for it to be “well done” and it was. Crispy bottom and it actually had a nice flavor to the dough.
The cheese was a little rubbery, slightly too salty and there was a little too much cheese in my opinion. The sauce is what really hurts this pizza. Very weird tasting and reminded me of the Chef Boyardee sauce i had as a kid when my mother would buy us those Chef Boyardee pizza kits. Good sauce is easy to make and probably just as cheap as the sauce they’re using but people in this area dont know shit about food because theyve never left the area and everybody’s Grandmother uses Ragu or Prego ladled onto a bed of overcooked watery mushy Spaghetti. Its pathetic. At least the bottom was crispy. Thats what saved it.