Pizza Review
It’s better than this photo looks, I promise. I used to eat Porky’s all the time when I lived downtown but I don’t think we’ve had it since we moved and that’s a shame because I guess I forgot how much I liked it. It’s greasy as fuck, the pepperonis are incredibly crispy (crunchy, even) and there’s a bunch of sloppy cheese on here and a decent house sauce. The cook on it is unfortunately inconsistent but usually pretty good. Tonight’s I think was a bit overdone for me but not alarmingly so. It’s well-seasoned and sprinkled with some parm at the end and it tastes like a pizza from a place who gives a shit about offering a product with flavor, not just bland and generic cut and paste pizza using the same brand of ingredients as 10 other places in town. I realize that isn’t a high bar to reach but for Erie it sure is. It’s not the best but it stands out and an effort is being made. I dig it. Also, sorry for the photo. I turned my back for a second and someone grabbed a slice and started eating before I could take a clean picture.