Pizza Review
Great looking pizza! Awesome little char to it, zero flop, and looked super crispy. I struggled with this one as the flavor and the ingredients were delicious, but the crust was like a thin, over-cooked biscuit. It's kind of weird to bite into, and it's chewy. I was surprised because it looked super duper crispy all around, but no. Other than that, it tastes great! Perfect amount of toppings, a nice bite to the sauce, and cooked perfectly. It's a really good pizza, just couldn't put it in the 7's. I'll say this, if the crust wasn't chewy and had a thin crisp to it, this pie would be flirting with an 8 all day. Still good though, but not the best in Conneaut... in my opinion. (Franco's new owners take that prize for now) I'd def eat this again though.