Pizza Review
Served a few degrees below hot in 4-5 minutes with no Victory Ave flop and a hard Strong Island crisp. First Bite Score: 7.1 The sauce is very tangy without hardly any seasoning or salinity. The mozzarella is decent and a tad higher than mid. There is a slight chew and decent saltiness. The dough is razor thin and charred to perfection. The undercarriage is nicely done with a good amount of bubbling. The ratio is a tad off with the dollops of unseasoned tomato sauce. Sub Score: 6.9 SAUCE: 🍅🍅 This needs some seasoning and maybe play around with the recipe that uses a cooking method to develop flavors that are more pronounced. Dough: 🫓🫓🫓🫓 Almost perfect. There were some spots not fully cooked through, but that was because of the dollops of tomato sauce I’d imagine. Mozzarella: 🧀🧀 Nothing new here, just use better quality with a bit more salinity Ratio: 2/5 Not balanced again, by the splotches of Tom sauce. Summary: This is good but most of the slices are off by just a bit. A little more focus on the quality and less on the gimmick and trendiness. One king-hell of a base, with a few tweaks this can be a high 7.0’s even low 8.0’s Final Score…