Pizza Review
Ok first off this may not look the part of a killer but going in again to this area I’m open minded. Got here right as it opened then the place filled up immediately guys slammin beers at 1130 but on to the pizza. The first bite has a crazy amount of flavors and contrast. Heavy corn meal underneath giving a satisfying crunch even tho it’s a little floppy but a heavy slice. Sauce is the star as it’s very tangy and feels like the presence of grated cheese compliments it perfect. Cheese has great pull towards the back half and even tho there’s a lot of crust the bready buttery flavor it gives off makes you want more. It’s a different type of pie but so old school especially inside the benches and some staff that look like they’ve been there a long time and very friendly. A must try if your out this way and can’t compare it to anything just enjoy the experience.