Pizza Review
Around since 1967, serving traditional, classic style, Long Island “football pizza.” With over 50 years in the business, they are the self-described “Valhalla for pizza lovers.” Apparently, they’ve never had New Haven or Brooklyn pizza…with such an outrageous claim. Super soft & doughy, somewhat undercooked, lacking any true crisp, with a nearly raw floury crust; this pie probably could have used a few more minutes in the oven. Sauce is average at best, more bitter than sweet, a little kick, not enough to make a difference, very basic. Cheese is a bit thick with a distinct, sharp flavor, not terrible but not particularly appetizing either. Overall, this is a pretty standard, serviceable neighborhood pie, nothing special. They boast the best pizza in Huntington; that doesn’t bode well for the rest of Long Island if that’s true. I expected more from a pizzeria with this kind of extensive history.