Pizza Review
This place has some good stuff. Probably one of the better Italian restaurants I’ve been to in this state. Good drinks, good food, good people, and good vibes. So overall, not a bad pie. Crust to pie ratio is what do you think? Yeah too much here. This ain’t the first pie I’ve gotten here but they tend to put too much crust on their pies. This is no good. I wanted pizza, not a loaf of bread. Either way, their crust is good though. It’s got the right texture, residual flour, and flavor. They also put that garlic spread stuff on their crust like Domino’s which tastes good, but you got good crust, it’s not necessary. The cheese to sauce ratio is too much cheese. This is a very common theme down South or I guess everywhere but NY/NJ and Italy, everyone loves putting a shit ton of cheese on their pies. The cheese tastes good though but nothing special. The sauce is forgettable but who cares? Overall, not a bad pie. I like their specialty pies and cocktails so they got that going for them. I don’t know why people think they gotta dress all fancy going here though. This is just a normal restaurant that just so happens to have a good bar and some good food. No need to wear a suit and tie coming here. Just break out those Adidas track suits or wife beaters and you’ll be alright here bud. Overall good pie.