Pizza Review
Today we are doing my first “honorary review.” This picture dates back to 2016 with my IPhone 6. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to check this place out one last time before it closed a couple months ago. I’ve been craving it lately, so hence the honorary review! I always swore that I never liked this pizza simply because I liked Osso’s so much, and that’s the big pizza rivalry in town. I said that up until someone brought it to a W&J soccer game and I ended up eating 11 pieces accidentally. This is what I call the perfect “snack” pizza. It doesn’t feel like your eating an actual pizza because of the cracker crust. It didn’t feel right not having this place in my pizza catalog so I had to write a review. Hopefully this will be the last review I write for a place that’s closed. I feel bad bringing down the average score down from the 9s, but I had to write a review on this legendary Washington county establishment.