The 100th review is in. I had to choose a great pizzeria for the 100th. And here it is the great Williamsburg Pizza owned by that short obnoxious chubby guy that loves to make old fashion sodas in Morris Plains, NJ. Very good pizza. Has a old school taste to it. Taste like the great pizzerias of the late 90s. And yes has the new school vibe to it, if you into that sort of bullshit. Definitely a crispy slice, good sauce, big slices. My only thing is I check the Instagram they love the celebrities. They got Eli Manning making a pizza, they got Paul Rudd being all Paul Rudd about things with a pizza. Look don’t let that influence ya. It’s good pizza but Paul Rudd shouldn’t be the one telling ya that. He’s from fucking Kanas City, he doesn’t know shit about pizza. That’s what kind of takes away from this place, it lacks authenticity. Ya want celebs to like your place? Cool. I want construction workers telling me where I could find great pizza. Not Eli fucking Manning. You should have Scott Baio holding a pie of your pizza not fucking Jennifer Aniston.
That all being said. Williamsburg Pizza is great pizza, I highly recommend it to anyone that loves Clueless and hates the Patriots.