Pizza Review
I was excited to try this because so many of my friends were telling me how great it is. I like the look of the place, the dudes were super nice. First of all, this cheese pie was 35 bucks... way too expensive for a cheese pizza, but let’s get into the taste. Okay, the cheese is very bland and super creamy, which is a gross texture. I don’t want it to feel like I’m biting into pie crust smothered in sour cream, and that’s kinda what it’s like. I can’t get over the texture which might not be as big of an issue if the cheese itself was tasty, it’s not it’s boring. The entire pizza is OVERWHELMINGLY garlic, just a punch in the nuts with garlic. So that makes the tomato sauce almost unrecognizable, the whole thing is a creamy garlicky mess. The crust has an interesting taste, kinda sweet like a garlic pie crust... I’m never going back. I feel bad, this is just my opinion and plenty of other people seem to really like it... but not this guy