Pizza Review
When I walked into the restaurant, it actually smelled good and the huge pizza oven looks impressive as if these people know what they are doing, but they don’t. I ordered a margherita pizza which seemed like the perfect pie to order from that oven. I knew immediately when I saw tomato slices on it that it wasn’t going to be great. Then I tasted it… I don’t know who needs to hear this but pizza is a savory dish, but the sauce was sweet. Ffs. The sweetness was so overwhelming that I, for the first time in my life, put salt on my pizza. I drowned it in parmesan cheese. Red pepper flakes. Still the sweetness could not be tamed. I couldn’t taste the crust, sauce or mozzarella , only sugar. It didn’t even taste like regular sugar — it was like a sugar alternative from the 80s coating my mouth. Afterwards, I had to go get snacks at the gas station to try to erase the taste from my mouth. I wasn’t gonna write a review at all but three hours later I’m still tasting sweet pizza in my mouth. You’ve been warned.