Pizza Review
This was our first time trying Brooklyn Boyz Pizza. I've been obsessed watching the Barstool Pizza Reviews, and have been trying the different local pizzerias. We ordered a 18" cheese pizza, slice of Sicilian and a ham calzone. We called to place the order, and the gentleman suggested we wait a few extra minutes because he was putting a fresh Sicilian pie in the oven and wanted me to have a fresh slice. They're been there 14yrs. and make everything from scratch including three different types of sauces; 1) for the regular pizzas, 2) a more rustic sauce for the Sicilian and 3) pasta sauce. Overall, the food was fresh, the sauces are delicious, the Sicilian slice so crunchy. Yes, the cheese pizza has a flop, but the taste and high quality cheese and ingredients took the spotlight.

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