Pizza Review
Excellent pie. Nice crisp, no flop, nice char. Love a pizza you can eat half of and not feel pregnant.

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Pizza Review
Until recently you might argue this Philly spot was more known for their cheesesteak but now the pizza has rose to the forefront after the guy from Boston gave it a massive score and for a change I too reviewed it just like him as a take out pie. I was blown away by this pizza and that’s saying a lot for a place that’s only a few months after a killer score with the intense demand. The crust is by far the standout as it’s a bit of a hybrid artisanal/traditional round pie that’s freakishly light, crispy and airy that seems like it has more than a 24 hour cold ferment and possibly sourdough, I didn’t get the chance to ask. It’s a very thin pie with awesome charring and the bubbles on the back end are totally hollow and shatter the second you sink your teeth into it. While it’s more a cheese friendly pie the sauce is very fresh tasting and prevalent and a great compliment to the hi quality mozz and gave off a very grande vibe again not sure if it is or not and the perfect amount of roni cups to not overpower you and a nice grating of hard cheese that was melted in by the time I took the pic. While this was takeout it was put in the box right infront of me and only walked across the street before devouring it in the car did say identical to what you’d get in the restaurant as the final slice was still molten hot until it was gone. This is another example of a perfectly executed pie with ingredients that compliment each other elevating the pie from great to elite. When ever I go to a place after a big barstool review my expectations have to be somewhat limited but what was given to me feels like I just found a hidden gem spot that no one knows about and this was their best effort so bravo to the amazing staff as each piece that came out of the oven looked very consistent. Thinking off the top of my head this might be the closest pizza to Angelo’s around not just in quality but in that same flavor profile as well, absolute legendary review!!!
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