Pizza Review
I have been going to Feds since 1966. The pizza still ranks as one of the all time best and has stood the test of time. What really hit home is when we retired and moved to The Villages Florida. We then confirmed what we knew, jersey pizza rocks Florida pizza is suspect. And Feds is at the top of the heap. Came back this week to visit and we weren’t disappointed. Please continue to support this iconic family owned restaurant.
Pizza Review
For more than 100 years, Federici’s Family Restaurant has been serving up their wonderful thin bar pies to millions, and I mean millions, of pizza loving New Jerseyans. In beautiful Monmouth County, a Republican stronghold in this festering boil of a state, the people know their pizza. They love their pizza how I love my women - hot, thin and saucy. While this state hasn’t sent a real Republican to the Governor’s mansion in decades, this pizza is the real deal. For my visit, I ordered the Vodka pie. It’s a strong pizza, like the nation from which the vodka comes from. Putin knows I’m not afraid to eat this pizza and that he knows I’m not afraid to bomb the shit out of anyone. Unlike Sleepy Joe Biden and his warhawks. Let’s face it, this is a Ponzi scheme to make money for the Biden crime syndicate. The number of Ukrainian flags on cars and homes is disturbing. As we funnel billions with a “B” to Ukraine, the young, hot mail order brides remain in Kiev, dancing the night away with their taut Slavic bodies. Yet CNN and the mainstream media continue to push an agenda to fight a war with hardly any casualties. Not one image of fighting gets shown on our nightly news. Where are the bodies? Where is the footage? Where is the money going, Joe? Zelensky is a puppet for the Biden/Obama regime. This regime is in service to the war machine. Unlike the service at Federici’s, which is warm and attentive. Just really great people. Unlike a certain New Jerseyan - Bruce Springsteen. He is a radical leftist who despite his facade, is as anti-American as they come. Word is he also calls Taylor Ham, pork roll. The same as Sleepy Joe and that dimwit Kamala. Bruce is also a vegetarian and drives an electric car. A working class American, he is not. Sad!
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