Although that picture isn’t the same exact pizza it is very similar. Now let’s get started on the pizza. Overall the pizza was all right. The first bite as we all know is judgment day for the pizza. Cheesy. Yes. Tasty sauce. Yes. Good amount of sauce. Yes. Crispy crust. Absolutely not. This is when it struck me this pizza want from being high six maybe 72 low six’s maybe five’s. It wasn’t until I had my last bite of the pizza when I decided I would give it the extra boost of a 6.1 score. I know this might be a hometown favorite I know good pizza. Trust me. The floppyness of this pizza What is the make or break moment. Unfortunately George’s pizza broke. If I was hungry had a $20 bill and was on the brink of death I’d finish this pizza without a doubt. But fortunately enough I’m not in that situation so I gave the pizza enough bites to get my final decision. As I mentioned before. There was a good amount of cheese. Good tasting sauce and good amount at that. But the crust was almost flowery and as floppy as a 2 foot New York style slice. And keep in mind this pizza was cut into maybe 4 inch squares. The squares were also a factor that went into the score. Pizza is better on the slice to this guy. Overall a Pizza that I will not remember however it is a pizza that I ate and one that I will score 6.1. It was judgment day.