Pizza review from one of the biggest most popular malls in the Tampa Bay area. Grimaldi's Pizzeria has a number of locations in many states, but their famous one is 100 years old under the Brooklyn Bridge in NY.
1. Tried calling, but they transferred me and then didn't answer. Got there in person and their oven closed down for cleaning and priming. Came back and finally got a pizza after 1 hour and 45 minutes.
2. They told me 25 minutes after ordering but it probably was done in 5 minutes because it was not hot at all.
3.. The taste overall was quite good. Ingredients were very fresh tasting. The crust was cracker like which to me knocks it's score down a bit.
4. The dough was so chewy that my mouth got a rough workout getting through it. For NY, I would not call this a good representation. 100 years ago maybe this is what was the "In" thing!!