Pizza Review
This is what it’s all about. Right here. Right now. I don’t go into the 9’s that often, don’t plan on it either but Luigi’s might be the best pizza in the world. The great Gio is one of a kind, you go in there Gio puts on a show. The Sicilian is the pie to get. Yes the round is great, and it’s old school. But the square is on a different level. My black friend Elroy said this “I wasn’t alive to see Beethoven orchestra a symphony. I wasn’t alive to see Elvis bring the house down. I wasn’t alive to see The Babe call his shot. But I got see Gio make a pizza” high compliment from Elroy who is a black man, and it was a good thing he wasn’t alive because they probably wouldn’t had let him sit at any of those events. Anyway 9.6 for the great Gio.