Pizza Review
Well, its slice numero 2 of the day. This time we will see a head to head comparison of Molinaro’s pizza to the Village eatery pizza. There was a clear winner. In my hand is a slice of beautiful pizza. The cup and char pepperoni is sauve and does not fail to tingle my taste buds. The crust was pretty good, featuring a somewhat crispy exterior and a soft inside. The pizza has a good amount of flop and nothing falls off! The sauce on the pizza is very impressive. However, the cheese to sauce ratio of the pizza leads to its degradation. Not good I tell you...NOT GOOD! At first glance, you may not even be able to see the sauce. This cheese overload creates a good amount of grease. I had a bite of the pizza with a large chuck of sauce and it was amazing. However, the rest of the pizza is not balanced. Some small changes and improvements could make this slice world class! P.S. Franks red hot was a good addition to the slice!