Pizza Review
-Delivery Review: -Margherita di Bufala: Thin, Naan like. Very well made. Bubbles everywhere. Crispy in most places. Floppy and soggy though. Fresh real tomatoes sauce. Like putting a tomato in your mouth fresh. The Bufala Mozzarella is nicely textured and tasty. Approved. 8.1 -Spicy Soppressata: Thin, Naan like. Very well made again. Crispy yet very floppy under weight of heavy toppings. Fresh real tomatoes sauce. Great blend of Mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses. Incredibly flavorful and salty Soppressata, with a spicy kick in the back end when combined with the red pepper flakes. The honey makes for a great balancing touch with the saltiness and spice. Very approved. 8.3