Pizza Review

About PC's Pizza

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243 Yelp Reviews
Mon7:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Tue7:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Wed7:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Thu7:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Fri7:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Sat7:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Sun7:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Pizza Review
Not sure where to start with this. First, just terribly bad pizza all the way around. Sauce was out of a can and tasted like it had 3 pounds of garlic in it. The cheese was some weird form of waxy paste (I zoomed in on the picture for proof). I can take bad pizza, I normally wouldn’t give such a low score as you can tell in my other reviews but what got me on this place was the owner / employees. As we’re eating, one of the “owners” came out from the kitchen screaming about a “personal hygiene issue” as she ran to the bathroom. I about lost it. To top it off, when she returned from the bathroom she decided to try to have a conversation about the whole situation and I politely asked to not talk about it as we were attempting to eat. We left most of the food on the table and was asked if we needed a box. We politely declined the box and her smart ass reply was “not too many people leave that behind”. As I was paying the tab ($50+ for 1 large pizza, 1 order of over cooked wings, 2 sodas that tasted like swamp water and 2 salads) I was given an attitude from hell, if I would have thought to record her, Barstool would have probably posted it. The pen wouldn’t work to sign the receipt and I asked for another one, she then proceeds to tell me you have to be smart enough to put it on something to get it to work. I’ve been to countless restaurants and pizza places, all over the country and this is by far the worst tasting pizza I’ve ever had and it’s probably the worst service I’ve ever experienced. I always try to give the benefit of doubt but this place is just horrible. The only positive from the whole experience, the salads were huge and fresh but it doesn’t take much to put lettuce in a bowl and throw some stuff in it. I’d honestly give a negative 10 if the app would allow.