Pizza Review
Portnoy is nuts...I’ve been doing 🍕piZZa 🍕reviews and creating ratings before he was out of diapers 🍼 This place is an 8.0, and actually, I have it a tad bit higher at an 8.02391~~~and bTw Dave, the average after 137 reviews is an 8.0 AND you can have a rating end in a .0 AND if you were serious about what you are doing, you’d break these down even further, by numbers and description. Now as for Carmen’s Pizza, yes, it’s “very good” as Portnoy typically states then goes on to rate everything that’s very good anywhere between a 6.3 and 7.8. This one is AN 8.0. It’s better than good but not the best and is accurately described by 2/3’s of the pizza eaters that gave it between a 7.2 and 8.3. Dave knows it (that it’s an 8 oh’er) but is falling prey to his own rookie rating bullshit. I personally was expecting more and love this style pizza, and I did “like it a lot”(another Dave classic non-description) but it left me happy and sad. I thought I’d have the best ever bar pie based off many years (pre-Portnoy) of hype about “Pete & Elda’s pizza”....So....Pete & Elda got a really cool place there. They serve great tasting pizza pie(crust does lack though for sure—-read all the ratings),but is it their Pie-or Carmen’s?