Pizza Review
By the pictures on Google and here I had to try this place. So I bought a personal pie and…I’m so glad did. This is good pizza. Crust was well done, had an airy cornicione, and was thin and light with just the right amount of crunch. This is exactly how I like it. He’s got to be fermenting the dough 12-24 hours, my guess. Sauce was tasty, had bits of minced tomato in it, and the right amount of oregano. Sauce was tangy. Great stuff. Mozzarella is Grande brand and there’s a sprinkle of parmesan, possible reggiano. All quality stuff. Little bit of grease but not even enough to drip onto the wax paper. Cheese to sauce ratio is damn near perfect for quintessential NY style pizza, just the right sized cornicione most slices too. This place goes back to 1989. And the pizza man clear cares about his craft. He been awarded by a Pizza Fair and has a plaque from Grande mozzarella. Food looks good too. He came out to talk to me a bit and he seems like a cool, understated guy that lets the food talk for him. Go here.
Pizza Review
Established in 1989, they haven’t been around nearly as long as their rival up the road, Mario The Baker, but over 30 years slinging pies ain’t bad. A family-run pizzeria, they have some old school rules: only open til 8pm, closed on Sundays and no delivery, takeout only. They make NY style pizza along with just about every Italian dish you can imagine. The first thing I noticed when I opened the box was the unique smell of the pie. After one bite, I realized it was the distinct flavor and odor of the sauce combined with the mozzarella producing the one of a kind smell. The sauce is homemade, very hearty, with chunks of diced tomatoes and a great mix of spices, making it the delicious, zesty, zippy, tangy, star of the pie. The mozzarella is outstandingly creamy and oozy, with a great lava like flow. While the sauce is a tad stronger in flavor and quantity, there is still good balance with the cheese, complimenting the sauce perfectly in taste. The dough is thickish, fairly firm, very tasty, nice char on the crust, with delicious crisp and texture. I prefer a slightly thinner pie but the thickness of this pizza is necessary to support the somewhat heavy ingredients. I can see the unique taste of this pie polarizing the ratings. It’s right on the border of a good pizza and one worth traveling a bit for ranging from high 7s to low 8s. I believe this is one of the better pies in Stamford, CT and its unique smell and sauce are worth making a trip of over a half hour. The scores may vary but most will agree this is very good pizza.