Pizza Review
Got a pie with extra cheese. Was looking at the slices going out of the joint and I figured I needed extra cheese on there. Even if they put the sauce on top, I want extra cheese. I’m glad I got the extra cheese, I couldn’t eat this pie without the extra cheese. Anyway, about the pizza. This is the most overrated pizza I’ve ever had. People swear by its pie, but I don’t get it. I think it’s based more on nostalgia than anything else. The dough was the best part, is cooked in a pan. It wasn’t crispy, but that’s OK. The dough was light and fluffy and had a great taste to it. But that’s the only thing you taste. The sauce was absolutely flavorless, the cheese, the texture let me know. I was eating cheese, but there was zero taste cheese. This was the most flavorless pie I’ve ever had. if you were in this area and you’re at the Columbus farmers market and the Amish places, go there and eat. If you’re there on a Sunday in the Amish people aren’t there and you want pizza then fine, I don’t think there’s anything else around. But this pizza is not as good as anyone will have you to believe.