Okay Pier 76. It’s in the Joe and Pats Family along with the great Ciro Cafe. I thought I’d be bored with it. The other two are known establishments, they are known for their excellence of execution. But once again we have another winner. And maybe I think the best pie of the three. It’s a bit different from the other two, the slices are a little larger, they also use shredded mozzarella to make the pie, not the cube, which makes the slice cheesier. It’s a cheaper pie, only 19 dollars.
If you are sitting at the bar there, and they bring out this pie, this is like “what the fuck I didn’t expect this great pizza” it’s an impressive showing, it’s embarrassing of riches for the Joe and Pats Family to have a heavy hitting underrated gem on the deep North Shore of Staten Island, right near the ferry, located in a bar. If you live in manhattan and you are like “ohhh I nuva been to StaTen IsLand before” in your waspy accent “Shall we take the StaTen IsLand FeRRy and make a day of it!” Stop by Pier 76 get yourself a pie, have a few drinks, try avoid the crackheads around the area, and take in a ballgame at the Ferryhawk Stadium.
I’m feeling extra cocky today with this cocky ass review.